Key Tips To Consider When Choosing Blinds For Your Living Room, Dining Room And Bedrooms If You Have An Indoor Pet

17 August 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

 As a pet-owner, you might often be called upon to make sacrifices for your beloved animal. For instance, when he or she needs shots or get sick, time away from work and a hefty bill from the veterinarian is almost a given. However, some aspects of your home might also need to be sacrificed or changed due to the presence of a pet and one of the most common modifications is often the window treatments. For instance, vertical blinds made of vinyl, plastic, and similar substances aren't considered to be safe for pets and fabric covered blinds can attract fur. Therefore, it's best to learn about other options for your living and sleeping spaces, as explained below.    

Avoid Dangerous Blinds And Any Unsafe Components

Unfortunately, the same blinds that you might be tempted to toss into the cart at your favorite big-chain store can pose a very real risk to your pet. Specifically, one concern is vertical blinds, which would be easy for cats, dogs, and some other pets to knock down or tear off.

Since those blinds can break into pieces, they can also become a choking hazard. The same is true of any cords from those blinds that might ever be accidentally left to dangle, as they present a significant choking hazard. Any set of thin, metal-based or flimsy blinds might save you a few dollars and look nice in the window, but could also be lethal to a pet.  Instead, the use of horizontal blinds that are made of wood or a faux-wood, without cords, is a good choice, as shared next. 

Consider Wood or Faux-wood Blinds Without Cords

Once you understand why lightweight blinds are unlikely to be a good choice for Fido or Fluffy, it's clear that a sturdier option is better. Since you're buying window treatments for rooms that are rarely damp, wood or faux-wood blinds are a good choice. That is because they could be wiped down as part of regular cleaning and the mold reduction qualities that might be needed in your bathroom aren't a concern.   

You can expect to pay a bit more for blinds that are made of wood or a wood imitation, but the product is often much sturdier. You'll also want to consider the height of your pet, including when he or she is on their back legs. Tall, strong or particularly stubborn animals might be able to knock down any window treatment that they perceive as being in their way, regardless of the strength of the wood or wood product. If that is a concern, it's a good idea to determine if choosing a unit that secures closely to the window is a viable option.     

In conclusion, choosing new blinds for your home when you have one or more indoor pets isn't as easy as you might think. As a result, it's a good idea to be aware of the advice shared above before you start to shop for the new blinds your home deserves.  
