3 Winter Prep Projects That Will Save On Heating Costs

14 August 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Will this be the year that you go into winter ready for everything it has to throw at your home? Below, you'll find the top three projects that you should focus on before winter hits. These are the projects that will save you the most cash throughout the winter.

Window Replacement

So many people don't realize just how much energy is lost out the windows. Sure, they may hang some heavy-duty thermal drapes over the windows, but that isn't going to stop every bit of air that leaks around the windows.

Now is the time to think about replacing those aging windows. If you're unsure if your windows are allowing air to leak in around them, get yourself an incense stick and move it around the window slowly. Watch for the smoke to change patterns as the air puffs in around the window. The movement in the smoke is all of the evidence that you need to know that it's time to upgrade your windows.

Note: If you're working on a tight budget, talk with the window replacement professionals about which windows to start with first. Lots of homeowners replace their windows a few at a time to lessen the burden of expense — just be sure that the windows you choose aren't selected to be discontinued anytime in the very near future. The technician will inspect the windows and provide you with their best recommendation to prevent as much energy loss as possible without replacing all of the windows at once. Click here for info on window replacement.

Door Threshold Replacement

If your exterior doors are in good condition, the one thing that you'll want to check is the threshold at the bottom of the door. Over time, the material can break down and allow lots of cold air to leak in under the door. You can pick up a replacement at your local home improvement store for very little and replace it relatively quickly.

Note: If your doors aren't in the best condition, it might be time to consider upgrading them as well. Newer doors are filled with insulation and are designed to be more energy efficient than in years past.

Heating System Servicing

Don't wait until the first flake begins to fall before calling in your HVAC tech to perform a complete inspection of your home's heating system. If the system isn't working properly, you'll pay a lot more than you should for a lot less warmth.

Talk with your local contractors for assistance with your winter preparation projects.
